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Master Course in Assertiveness, Confidence, Body Language

Gratis $59.99

Creado por: Dr. José J

Assertiveness, Confidence, Body Language, Self-Confidence, Personal development, Attraction, assertive communication

Cupón Expirado

23 Apr 2024

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Master Course in Assertiveness, Confidence, Body Language

What you'll learn

  • Understanding the concepts of assertiveness, self-confidence, and body language
  • Learn what's the best way to read and maintain body language?
  • Analyze what's the best way to build confidence?
  • Learn when it comes to work, how do you develop assertiveness?
  • Learning about body language at work, assertiveness techniques, and confidence in an interview


  • No programming experience needed. You will learn everything you need to know.


Master course in Assertiveness, Self-Confidence and body language

Assertiveness: What's it all about?

Assertiveness and speaking your mind without being rude and aggressive are essential. No matter what their title or level, don't agree with what they're saying.

Keep in mind that as an individual, you have the right to express your views and opinions as long as you're confident and know what you're saying makes sense. An assertive person knows what needs to be said or discussed without hurting or insulting the other person.

Self-confidence: what does it mean?

Self-confidence can mean a lot of different things to different people, but in reality it's just having faith in yourself.

We get our confidence from how we've been brought up and how we've been taught. It's how we think about ourselves and how we behave that influences what we think about ourselves and other people. Experiences and how we react to different situations also contribute to confidence.

There's no such thing as static self-confidence. There are days when we feel more confident than others about performing tasks and dealing with situations.

The meaning of body language

Rather than using words to express or convey information, body language uses physical behavior. You can tell a lot about someone by their physical behavior, like gestures, eye movements, body postures, and facial expressions. This course will explain the concepts of Assertiveness, Confidence, Body Language, Self-Confidence, Personal development, Attraction, assertive communication and self esteem.

1. An introduction to assertiveness, self-confidence, and body language

2. What's the best way to read and maintain body language?

3. What's the best way to build confidence?

4. When it comes to work, how do you develop assertiveness?

5. Body language at work, assertiveness techniques, and confidence in an interview

Who this course is for:

  • All UG, PG business, IT, Psychology students, Interested learners to learn about the concepts of Master Course in Assertiveness, Confidence, Body Language
  • HR Managers, Executives, Directors, Business owners and business development managers.


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