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Asteroids with Python PyGame

Gratis $19.99

Creado por: Frank Anemaet

PyGame for total beginners

Cupón Expirado

24 Apr 2024

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Asteroids with Python PyGame

What you'll learn

  • Basics of PyGame
  • Load and display images
  • Handle keyboard input
  • Game loop
  • How to make the Asteroids game


  • Basic Python knowledge (no OOP required)


When I was a kid, I used to play a lot of Asteroids, a simple arcade game where your space ship was orbiting around a bunch of asteroids. In the game you had to move your space ship around to avoid crashing into them or get onto them to destroy them with the lasers on the space ship. Whenever I played it I had fun.

In this course you will learn how to make the Asteroids game with the Python programming language. You don't need any advanced knowledge of Python nor any object orientated programming knowledge, it's a beginners course. Only basic Python knowledge is required like functions and loops.

The course will introduce you to PyGame, a game programming library. You will learn how to load and display images, how to create animations, how to create game play, how to add text and so on. By the end of this course, you will have a complete asteroids game made with the Python programming language.

The course includes all the code examples and graphics so you can follow along with each step. If you want to make games with Python, what are you waiting for? Enroll today and I'll see you inside the course.

Who this course is for:

  • Python beginners that want to learn PyGame


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