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Exploring BOT, Current, Capital & Financial Accounts in BOP

Gratis $39.99

Creado por: Prabh Kirpa Classes

Balance of Trade, Capital Account, Financial Account, Current vs. Capital Account, BOP vs. BOT

Cupón Expirado

28 Mar 2024

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Exploring BOT, Current, Capital & Financial Accounts in BOP

What you'll learn

  • What is meant by Balance of Trade and Balance of Invisible Trade?
  • What is meant by Capital Account and Financial Account?
  • What is the difference between Current Account and Capital Account?
  • What is the difference between Balance of Payments and Balance of Trade?
  • What is the difference between Capital Account and Balance of Trade?


  • Basic understanding of economic principles such as supply and demand, inflation and interest rates


  1. What is meant by Balance of Trade?

  2. What are the three scenarios of balance of trade?

  3. What is meant by Trade Surplus?

  4. What is the meaning of Negative balance of trade?

  5. What is meant by Zero BOT?

  6. What is meant by Balance of Invisible Trade?

  7. What is the formula to calculate Balance of Invisible Trade?

  8. What are the three scenarios in respect of Balance of Invisible Trade? Discuss each briefly.

  9. What is the meaning of Balance of Payments?

  10. What is meant by Balance of Trade?

  11. What are the various differences between Balance of Payments and Balance of Trade?

  12. BOP is a wider concept and BOT is a narrower concept. Do you agree? Comment.

  13. What is the meaning of Capital Account?

  14. What is meant by Balance of Trade?

  15. What are the various differences between capital account and balance of trade?

  16. Which type of transactions are recorded in the capital account of Balance of Payments?

  17. What is meant by non-produced and non-financial assets in Capital Account?

  18. What is meant by Capital Transfers in Capital Account?

  19. What is the difference between Current Account and Capital Account in Balance of Payments?

  20. What is meant by Financial Account in Balance of Payments?

  21. Which type of transactions are recorded in Official Reserve Account?

Who this course is for:

  • Students and any individual who enjoys learning about various concepts of economics


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